تعليمات بداية العام الدراسي 2023-2024
الى الطلبة األعزاء وأولياء أمورهم الكرام، تحية دافئة أهديها لكم مع قرب إفتتاح العام الدراسي الجديد والعودة الى مقاعد الدراسة. أهالً بكم في أكاديمية روابي اإلنجليزية، ً مسيرة جديدة في طريق العلم والتعلم، فهنا نستزيد هذا الصرح العلمي الذي سنجتمع فيه يوم اإلثنين 2023/8/21 لنبدأ معا من المعارف والعلوم التي تعيننا على التقدم، على غرار العام الماضي...
DetailsLower KG Parents meeting
Dear Respected Parents, We welcome you and your children to the REA family. We are thrilled to have you join our community. Despite the difficulties we are currently facing and may face in the future due to COVID-19 and any other external factors that may come our way, we are confident that we will offer a high-quality education to our students....
DetailsUpper KG Parents meeting
Dear Respected Parents, We hope that you and our beloved students are safe and sound. We appreciate the patience and perseverance you have shown during the past strenuous academic year. We are thrilled to welcome your children again into the new academic year. We are also happy to welcome new members to our REA family! Despite the difficulties w...
DetailsParents meeting
Dear REA Parents, I hope this email finds you and our dear students well and in excellent health. The Academy's team is busy preparing and working towards getting the school ready for the return of our students. Before that, however, and in keeping with my earlier message to you, I am pleased to invite you to a meeting to present and discuss the p...
Detailsفريق أكاديمية روابي الإنجليزية يفوز ببطولة كرة القدم الخماسي للإناث
روابي- وطن: فاز فريق أكاديمية روابي الإنجليزية، ببطولة كرة القدم الخماسي للإناث للصفين الخامس والسادس الابتدائي بحصوله على المركز الأول بعد فوزه على نظيره من المدرسة الأمريكية الأردنية المنظمة للبطولة، والتي جرت على ملعبها في مدينة البيرة، بمشاركة 13 فريقا من مدارس حكومية وخاصة.
DetailsWalk/Runathon Success!
Parents, guardians and families, Thank you for supporting our event. It was a brilliant morning, everyone having fun and trying their absolute hardest to get in as many steps as possible. For more information, see the link to the Rawabi Press Release, providing an overview of the event. Feel free to Like our Facebook and Instagram p...
DetailsREA's first review!
An extensive review of REA's first year (2016-2017) was conducted by Academic Consultant, Robert Findlay, and the results were impressive!