Welcome Message
Dear Parents
I am delighted to welcome you to our website which will hopefully give you a flavor of the vibrant and challenging environment which is Rawabi English Academy. The schools offer a dynamic education in a traditional setting which instills an immediate sense of belonging and comfort. Both the Primary School and Secondary School will offer a richly diverse education with outstanding students and staff who together will achieve great things for themselves, each other and the local and global communities.
Working in partnership with parents, it is a place where each individual progresses academically and socially to reach their potential.
Our school is diverse and dynamic, and our students have the highest aspirations for their education and future lives. Our mission is to build a vibrant learning community in which all strive to:
- advance the value of learning, growth, and self-awareness as life-long endeavors.
- nurture creativity and originality as precursors for critical and reflective thought and action.
- succeed collectively as well as individually, achieving our personal best in all aspects of school life.
- maintain a healthy balance in the time devoted to work, rest and recreation.
- involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our environment.
- interact through honest, respectful and open communication.
- acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage empathy, compassion, understanding, and respect for human dignity.
- live our lives positively, joyfully and ethically.
The choice of school requires factual information, but even more important is a feeling of confidence that there is a shared vision of the best way to ensure that these formative years in each child's life will be both enjoyable and productive. The information on this site gives some insight into the pattern of schooling available at REA. Parents are invited to ask about specific details or to visit the school to discuss individual needs.
We welcome you to join us in our quest to develop learners who are successful and confident and who can contribute in significant ways to a complex and challenging future.