School Enrolment & Withdrawal
All parents/guardians are advised to read the policies and the terms and conditions governing the admission to Rawabi English Academy (the “School“) and the child’s continued enrolment as student of the School, as set out below.
All references herein to “parent” shall mean either parent of the child or legal guardian and the provisions herein shall be binding on them jointly.
All references herein to ‘school‘ shall collectively mean Rawabi English Academy, a private international school.
All references herein to “Head of the School” shall collectively mean the Head of Early Years, Primary Department leader, Secondary Department leader and Principal of Rawabi English Academy.
- A parent/guardian intending to enroll his/her child to the School must submit the Application for Admission Form, duly and accurately completed and signed. False, inaccurate or misleading information could lead to rejection of the application to be admitted or to the child’s withdrawal from the School. The parent/guardian must at all times inform the School of any changes to such information. The School further reserves the right and the parent hereby authorises the School to contact the previous school (if applicable and relevant) or such medical officers or other relevant persons for further information relating to the child in considering the child for admission.
- There are 3 levels of payment:
- Application Fee of $15 Admission Form. Non-returnable.
- Deposit of $500 to secure a place. This is deducted from the tuition fee
- Annual Tuition Fees.
- The Application Fee shall be payable by cash, at the time of purchase of the Application for Admission Form.
- A fee of $500 to reserve a place. Once parents have accepted a place the fee is non-returnable.
- Upon payment of the Application Fee, the application may be put on queue depending on availability of place and is subjected to terms and conditions as stipulated in clause no.1 to 4.
- Putting on queue means adding the student’s name onto the application list where the application will be handled as per the application process, which takes into account various criteria as stipulated in the Application Process Policy.
- If there is no vacancy for the Year Group, Term and Academic Year applied for, the application will automatically proceed to the following term unless application is withdrawn by the parent in writing or by default.
- A new Application Fee will be imposed if any of the following occurs:
- A deferment of an application to a future Term/Academic year for more than (1) one time.
- The Application is withdrawn by parents/guardian with or without an offer of place
- The Application is unsuccessful for the second time due to unsatisfactory assessments.
- Parents/Guardian does not respond by a stipulated date to accept the offer.
- Parents/Guardian is no longer in contact with the school at the last known address.
- Any other terms and conditions not mentioned herein, governing Enrolment and Admission.
- If the Assessment results are not satisfactory, the parents/guardian shall inform Admission personnel should he/she decide to re-apply or otherwise, within the stipulated date as stated in the Rejection letter. Parents may re-apply for the future, with at least 6 months’ gap from the last assessment, with no additional cost involved.
- If an offer is declined by the parents/guardian in writing or by default, the Application will automatically be cancelled.
- Should the parents/guardian wish to re-apply after the Application is cancelled, the application will be treated as a fresh application and the then prevailing Application Fee is applicable according to the Fee Schedule of the Academic Year, at the time of the re-application.
- The placement of the child is also at the absolute discretion of the School and in this regard, the School generally takes into consideration various factors, including the child’s age, academic ability, level of achievement relative to the School’s current students and the child’s behaviour.
- The admission of the child is at the absolute discretion of the School and the School is not obliged to offer any justification for the rejection of any application.
- On being offered a place, the parent/guardian shall pay the required school fees at the rate applicable for the term for which the place is offered within and no later than the stipulated deadline as stated on the offer. (See fee schedule for details). Please note that fees are normally reviewed on an annual basis and that the fees indicated on the current fee schedule may not be the fees applicable for subsequent terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the School reserves the right to revise the fee payable.
- The School reserves the right to place the child in a class which the Head of School deems academically and developmentally suitable to the child’s needs at anytime and from time to time whilst the child is enrolled at the School.
- Fees for subsequent terms are payable in advance with post dated cheques. Students are not allowed to attend class unless all fees payable have been paid.
- The Parent/guardian undertakes to pay, or arrange payment of all the Fees applicable in each term in respect of each School year directly to the School.The School also reserves the right to withhold all examination results, certificates and school records of the child.
Upon your child’s enrolment to the School, one of the “Terms and Conditions” you agreed to is that one full academic term’s notice is given, in writing, to the School prior to the term of withdrawal. Failure to meet this deadline means the fee will be forfeited in full.
If it is intended that the child will leave the School during or at the end of an academic term, a notice of withdrawal must be received by the School not later than the first day of the same academic term.
Notice is not deemed to be given until written confirmation has been received, and acknowledged, by the Admissions Department. No other confirmation – written or otherwise – will suffice.
A copy of your Notice of Withdrawal will go to the section of the school your child is in, and leaving reports will be compiled. Please address specific requests regarding these reports directly to the relevant school section.
- A parent/guardian may withdraw the child from the School by giving to the School ONE (1) full academic term’s notice, failing which the fee SHALL be forfeited in full. The said notice shall set out the date of such withdrawal (“Withdrawal Date“), failing which the same shall be deemed as insufficient notice. For avoidance of doubt, please note that the notice of withdrawal must straddle ONE (1) FULL ACADEMIC TERM to be considered “sufficient firm notice“. In amplification hereof the following are illustrations of what constitute insufficient notice –
- if it is intended that the child will leave the School during or at the end of an academic term, notice of withdrawal must be received by the School not later than the first day of the same academic term, failing which the fee deposit shall be forfeited;
- if the child is withdrawn from the School prior to the Withdrawal Date;
- if the notice of withdrawal does not set out the Withdrawal Date.
- Provisional or conditional notice of withdrawal is not accepted. If the child is not withdrawn from the School on the Withdrawal Date, a fresh notice of withdrawal of not less than ONE (1) full academic term must be received by the School. The provisions of this clause 16 will apply in the case of a prolonged absence of the child from the School.
- The parent/guardian agree and consent that the fee SHALL be forfeited in full, notwithstanding such monies are paid by parent or third party sponsor, in the event insufficient notice, provisional or conditional notice of withdrawal is given. Parent/guardian agrees and consents to indemnify the School for any such incidental loss or damage.
- The charge of a full academic term’s Fees represents a genuine pre-estimate of the School’s loss in these circumstances, and sometimes the actual loss to the School will be much greater. This rule is necessary to promote stability and the School’s ability to plan its staffing and other resources.
- Where a child has been withdrawn from the School and applies for re-admission, no registration fee will be payable if the child is re-admitted (subject to availability of a place) within three (3) academic terms from the date the child left the School. The Application Fee, Re-Entry fee, Tuition fee, and other fees payable, all at the then prevailing rate, are required to be paid prior to such re-admission and the whole application process.
- The School reserves the right to suspend or expel a child in a case of misconduct or a serious breach of discipline, particularly if this has a detrimental effect (in the opinion of the School) on the other students in the School.
- The School may require at any time the withdrawal of a child from the School for any reason at the discretion of the Head of School. Reasons may include matters related to the child’s inability to participate in or benefit fully from the School’s curriculum or if there is a breach by the parent/guardian or the child of any matters or things not mentioned herein. The School’s decision is final.
- The Student will participate in the preventive health screening programme conducted by the school nurses. All information is kept confidential and parent can view his child’s record at a mutually convenient time. A complete student health/medical record will be completed upon acceptance of a place and before commencing classes.
- In the event of the child having a contagious or infectious disease or illness or in the event of an outbreak of a contagious or infectious disease or illness at the School regardless whether the child is so infected or otherwise, the Head of the School may at his discretion prohibit the child from attending at the School for such period as the Head of the School deems necessary. The parent/guardian or child shall have no claim against the School arising from any such action taken by the Head of School.
- Student must attend all classes regularly, participate in all relevant school or extra curriculum activities and sit for all relevant examinations applicable to the student unless excused on medical grounds or other compelling cogent reason. Failure to attend classes, shall entitle the School to take such actions as may be required, including without limitation, requiring the student to repeat (an) academic term(s) or to be withdrawn from the School.
- In case of medical emergency, where neither parent or guardian can be contacted to give consent, the parent/guardian consent and authorise the Head of School to authorise the medical examination of the child by a registered doctor, or send the child to a clinic/medical centre, all expenses thereby incurred will be on the parent’s or guardian’s account and the parent/guardian agree to indemnify the School fully.
- The parent/guardian agrees that the School shall not be liable for any death, personal injury or any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever which the child may sustain at any time either within the School premises, authorised field trip or elsewhere, which is not attributable to the negligence of the School, its officers, agents or employees.
- The School shall be entitled at anytime to amend, add or delete any terms and conditions in respect of the admission of the child, his/her continued enrolment at the School or any matters related thereto by way of letter sent by ordinary post or handed over to the child.
- The School may at anytime review, amend or make such rules and regulations relating to the conduct of students in the School and all such matters that the child and/or parent/guardian may be required to do or comply with as a student of the School.
- Failure to satisfy all sections of the Home-School Agreement on several occasions will lead to a review of the place offered at the School for the subsequent academic year.
- A breach of any such rules and regulations in force, whether recently enforced, reviewed or amended shall be deemed to be breach of the terms and conditions herein.
- The School may and the parent/guardian hereby gives his/her consent to the School to take such photographs, images, recordings, works or derivative works of the child and to use, free of charge, such photographs, images, recordings, works or derivative works in any media and for whatever purpose as the School shall deem fit, including without limitation for any promotional materials, including website of the School.
- The School may correspond with Parent/Guardian to share updates and information about the School from time to time. If you do not wish to receive any of the information, please notify the School in writing.
- The school is committed to comply with standard Data Protection Acts in protecting our students’ and parents’ personal information with the School. The School’s Privacy Policy, which can be obtained from the School’s website explains amongst other things how we handle your child’s and your personal data that we collect as well as your rights over your personal data. Please read and understand the content of the Privacy Policy.
- All notices, letters and correspondence from the School may be sent to the parent at the address set out in the Application for Admission Form and shall be deemed sufficiently served if sent by ordinary post or if the same is handed over to the child.
- The prospectus and School website describes the broad principles on which the School is currently run and gives an indication of our core values. Although believed correct at the time of printing, neither the prospectus nor the website are part of any agreement between the Parents/guardian and the School. Parents wishing to place specific reliance on a matter given in the prospectus or website should seek written confirmation of that matter before entering this agreement.
- The offer of a place and its acceptance by the Parents/guardians give rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of conditions in the Application form, these Terms and Conditions and any future terms and conditions notified to the parent/guardian in writing.
- Third Party Excluded: Only the School and the Parent/guardian are parties to this contract. The Student is not a party to it and neither is a third party sponsoring the student. The acts and omissions of Parent-/guardian are binding on the Student and vice versa as to any matter of behaviour, discipline and Fees. All requests and authorities by the Parent/guardian are treated as being made on behalf of the Student and vice versa.
- All graduates or school leaver who have spent at least one academic term in Rawabi English Academy (REA) shall be automatically included as REA Alumni, where he/she may be contacted or notified of any REA Alumni activity/updates unless, he/she chose otherwise and inform the School in writing.