Message from the Principal
A message from Principal Dr. Michael Sansur,
The school year 2023-2024 marks 8 years since the school opened. This is another significant milestone in our young school, especially with the
outstanding results of our first and second IGCSE cohorts and their entry into the AS and A-level stages. We have consolidated our Cambridge programme with new teachers and staff experienced in the curriculum and its requirements and new regulations that meet the requirements of this rich and diverse educational programme. We have also established 3 additional laboratories for Physics, Chemistry/Biology, and IT.
As with last year, I am seeing even more students who managed to turn around and achieve great success both academically and behaviourally. I am also observing wonderful and creative initiatives from our teachers and our students.
Of course, there have been difficulties and challenges, always marked by turbulence from operating in a highly volatile environment. However, we have successfully maintained an Oasis of Peace here at Rawabi English Academy which shall continue to shine brightly as a Beacon of Hope. And I again stress on the importance of building confidence and strength through how we respond to life’s challenges, namely through steadfastness, preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
To those who, directly or indirectly, enrich the lives of our students; to the teachers and staff who help with the fund-raising campaigns for the needy and the oppressed, to the teaching and support staff, the Board of Trustees and PTA members, to parents and caregivers, I extend my sincere thanks and best wishes.
I pay special tribute to our Year 10 students who are preparing for the school’s third IGCSE official examinations. I hope they feel well guided and are attaining the qualifications they are well capable of. We are all confident that they will continue to develop the personal qualities and confidence to succeed and to excel, and to choose the right pathways in life. To you all I extend my very best wishes.
To all who are committed to the Rawabi English Academy, thank you and I look forward to your continued success.